
One only needs to search ‘windows & doors symbolism’ to learn there are all kinds of theories linked to them. The interpretation I like best thinks of them as portals … to another time, another realm, freedom, or escape. I imagine that they might hold, or release secrets of the past. As always I prefer photographing subjects that are old-fashioned and weathered, so here’s some recent finds. Your comments and favorite choices help me decide if I should add any to a growing Windows & Doors collection on my store site.

A close look at a shack shows wonderful wood grain and texture.
‘Shack With Two Windows’ © Denise Bush
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A tin sided chicken coop comes with a crooked window and old license plate.
‘Crooked Coop Window’ © Denise Bush
This barn had a short door on one side ... apparently for some kind of livestock.
‘On The Short Side’ © Denise Bush
An a weathered wooden door surrounded in metal still serves its purpose.
‘Rusty & Weathered’ © Denise Bush
An old weathered door holds onto its brick-a-brack right below the window.
‘Door With Brick-a-brack’ © Denise Bush
The outer masonry gives way to reveal some very sturdy stonework.
‘Sturdy Stonework’ © Denise Bush
This barn door has a design using the letter Z, hence the title!
‘Door With The Letter Z’ © Denise Bush
A broken barn window and weathered red paint catch the light just right to create an interesting image.
‘Broken Barn Window’ © Denise Bush

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My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully. My approach is intuitive and I choose to impose no constraints – leaving myself open only to possibilities. As a professional designer I am drawn to images that offer a strong composition, pattern and rhythm. Creating images with a unique perspective while sometimes pushing the limits of traditional composition 'rules' excites me. Landscapes, nature subjects and things from the past are common themes in my work.

26 thoughts on “Portals”

  1. Yes, keep going! I love this series. I love old weathered doors too.

    It’s hard to pick a favorite from this series but, I did really like Sturdy Stonework, and the door with brick-a-brack.

  2. I agree with the above comment. #1 Sturdy Stonework, #2 Rusty & Weathered and #3 Shack with Two Windows. Keep it up. Love them all. Mary Ann

  3. I think I like “Door with the letter Z” the best! There’s something pleasing about the off-center alignment of the door but the symmetry of everything else.

  4. I love all of the images here. My very favorite shoots were when we would go out exploring and find treasure like these. Miss you

    1. I have been thinking about you a lot with the passing of our friend. Yes … those shoots were so much fun whether it was the Pines, the Catskills or the Delaware Water Gap! I miss those days, and you! ❤️

  5. I love the names you chose. Some of them made me chuckle. (Crooked Coop Window!) Some of the images struck me as whimsical as well. “Shack With Two Windows” looks liked a tired, old, weathered face in a staring contest! It’s my favorite. Wonderful captures and would not mind seeing more.

    1. Thanks Carlos! The two windows with a door in the middle does look like a face. I have a few other quaint structure images that give the same face-like affect. I like that when if happens!

  6. The blue through so much of the first picture works well in contrast to the brown of the old wood. In the last picture, the white frame and dark gray panes of the window do a good job ornamenting all that maroon.

  7. I often wonder about the stories these doors and windows could tell.

    Favorites are: ‘Shack With Two Windows’, ‘Sturdy Stonework’ and ‘Rusty & Weathered’. Great set, Denise.

  8. As always, it’s difficult to pick favorites of one of my favorite of your themes. Shack with 2 windows if very simple and balanced, but my eyes lingered over it for a long time. I also enjoyed the whimsy of the Crooked Coop Window. Rusty & Weathered and Door with letter Z (before I read the caption) made me contemplate how often doors sport the Z (or 7) constructions. I guess that a very durable design. Love them all, Denise. Thanks for brightening my reader feed.

  9. This is a wonderful series, Denise. Old portals similar to what you photographed are interesting to me and enjoyable to view and think about. All are well done. My favorites are Shack with Two Windows and Door with the Letter Z because of their color palette.

  10. Shack with 2 Windows and Sturdy Stonework are my absolute favorites but what a great selection in total. Such personality, great colors and texture…

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