A Season Of Gold

Autumn II

Following are my next set of images for Autumn 2023. Golden hues and bits of orange have become more widespread. Snow is just days away and there’s a chill in the air. Some trees begin to lose their leaves to abide, while others hang on to green in defiance. One of my favorite things to shoot are groupings of trees that make pleasing and intimate compositions. These are sometimes referred to as ‘small scenes’ … in comparison to a ‘grand landscape’. I think they are often more unique as they require a more personal vision to see and compose. I included some small scenes in my previous post, and there are several more here. As always, thank you for visiting and looking. Feel free to leave a comment or let me know if you have a favorite!

An autumn aspen forest is made even more beautiful by the brilliant morning sun.
‘Basking In Morning Sun’ © Denise Bush
click here to view print options & pricing
The rising sun lights up a ridge in western Colorado.
‘First Light On Autumn Ridge’ © Denise Bush
Backlit autumn aspen leaves are a sight to behold.
‘Beautiful Backlight’ © Denise Bush
notecards, unframed, framed, canvas, acrylic & metal prints available
A hole in the clouds allows sunlight to filter through the clouds and light up a distant patch of golden aspen trees.
‘Spotlight On Distant Aspens’ © Denise Bush
Some mountains are reflected in a small stream, as it winds through golden, autumn brush.
‘Reflected View’ © Denise Bush
Colorful autumn aspen trees make a frame for a distant mountain.
‘Through The Trees’ © Denise Bush
Some young aspen trees stand in front of their elders, while shining very brightly.
‘The Little Ones’ © Denise Bush
click here to view larger or order a print
Autumn aspens and other vegetation create a beautiful Rocky Mountain scene.
‘Slopes Of Gold’ © Denise Bush
Some tall, very white aspen trees caught the photographer's eye for this brilliant autumn image!
‘Tall, Bright & Handsome’ © Denise Bush
A road curves down the hill through a beautiful aspen forest, getting closer to the mountain beyond.
‘It’s This Way’ © Denise Bush
A beautiful aspen lined mountain road leads to a majestic mountain in autumn.
‘To The Mountain’ © Denise Bush

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My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully. My approach is intuitive and I choose to impose no constraints – leaving myself open only to possibilities. As a professional designer I am drawn to images that offer a strong composition, pattern and rhythm. Creating images with a unique perspective while sometimes pushing the limits of traditional composition 'rules' excites me. Landscapes, nature subjects and things from the past are common themes in my work.

51 thoughts on “A Season Of Gold”

  1. My favorites are Little Ones and It’s This way. It’s This Way: I like the depth created by the shadowed road leading you into the shot
    I also like the layers in Tall, Bright, Handsome.

  2. Denise, I like the small images in this series. Especially, ‘Basking In Morning Sun’, ‘Beautiful Backlight’, and ‘Tall, Bright & Handsome’. Good work.


  3. While I generally am drawn to the “grand landscapes”, ‘Tall, Bright & Handsome’ made me think of a multi-generational gathering for a holiday meal. Once again you stretch my way of thinking.

  4. These are lovely, Denise. I’m hoping to be in. the western US for fall next year. It was going to be this year, but other stuff got in the way. I like both kinds of landscape, but personally often prefer the more intimate, selected parts of the grand scene.

    1. Yes … I have always referred to these types of compositions as ‘intimate landscapes’ and only refer to them as ‘intimate compositions’ in the post. I like the ‘small scenes’ label too … it’s fitting. Thanks Steve!

  5. So amazing photos Denise! Autumn colors, yellow, orange, red, green, brown, are so beautiful and as you are professional photographer you know the best angles and light for amazing photos 🙂

    1. Thank you Minna. I have been an artist all my life. I went to an art college and worked in my major, Illustration and Graphic Design. I chose photography as my fine art medium back in 1999!

  6. Wow. 🙂 Tall, Bright and Handsome is my favorite here but boy, that water reflection is gorgeous, too. And Basking is a great composition. The Little Ones and It’s This way really appeal to me, too. Wonderful work.

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