Iceland V

If you have been following my Iceland posts you are learning how diverse this country is. It is what surprised me most. Here I show more diversity, this time in black & white. Some of the scenes just seemed to call for it. It was fun to see all the different land formations that years of volcanic activity and erosion provided. A field with odd mounds that looked like pyramids interested me as did some sea stacks, similar to those found in our pacific northwest. It seemed obvious that many of the formations were relatively new, especially compared to the rounder more weathered Appalachian Mountains I am so familiar with. In the lagoon, glacier chunks, layered with volcanic material waited their turn to be washed out to sea. Following the Ring Road, the sea was never far away and we were happy to be graced by its company as we traveled. I found Iceland to be magnificent in its diversity and long to go back each time I process another image.

'Island Between'  © Denise Bush
‘Island Between’ © Denise Bush
'Pyramids Of Iceland'  © Denise Bush
‘Pyramids Of Iceland’ © Denise Bush
'Beached Icebergs in B & W'  © Denise Bush
‘Beached Icebergs in B & W’ © Denise Bush
'Icebergs In Glacier Lagoon'  © Denise Bush
‘Icebergs In Glacier Lagoon’ © Denise Bush
'Iceberg Close-up'  © Denise Bush
‘Iceberg Close-up’ © Denise Bush
'Selandjafoss Black & White'  © Denise Bush
‘Selandjafoss Black & White’ © Denise Bush
'Sea Stacks'  © Denise Bush
‘Sea Stacks’ © Denise Bush
'Along The Way'  © Denise Bush
‘Along The Way’ © Denise Bush
'Seaside Ruins'  © Denise Bush
‘Seaside Ruins’ © Denise Bush
'Icelandic Horse & Rider'  © Denise Bush
‘Icelandic Horse & Rider’ © Denise Bush


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My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully. My approach is intuitive and I choose to impose no constraints – leaving myself open only to possibilities. As a professional designer I am drawn to images that offer a strong composition, pattern and rhythm. Creating images with a unique perspective while sometimes pushing the limits of traditional composition 'rules' excites me. Landscapes, nature subjects and things from the past are common themes in my work.

57 thoughts on “Iceland V”

  1. Wow, great job, Denise. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do Iceland in B&W in a serious way. But these images demonstrate that this is an approach that produces excellent results, at least in your hands. Thanks for taking us in a new (at least to me) direction.

  2. It’s all about the light and texture isn’t it? That is what is so amazing about black and white photography. “Icebergs In Glacier Lagoon” and “Icebergs Close Up” are masterful images. “Along the Way” is also outstanding. What light. Of course the rest of this post is just plain beautiful. You’ve really got a great portfolio of images on this trip. Amazing things in every post all from your artful vision. Iceland keeps moving higher and higher up my list.

  3. These are all high class images but the last 4 are my favourites. Iceland seems to be ‘the’ place to go for photography right now and everybody is ‘doing’ Iceland. I think your B&W approach is a little different and I’d be a very happy bunny if I came back with a portfolio like yours.

    1. Thanks so much Andrew. I was a little disappointed when I first looked at my images but once I got in there and started processing them I found there was more to work with than I first thought.

  4. Thank you for the unique opportunity to see Iceland in all its splendor and magic through your vision. As I study each image, I can somehow feel myself connected to the landscape. My favorites are Beached Icebergs and Sea Stacks. I’d also want to hurry over to the Seaside Ruins.

    1. Thank YOU Season for coming to take a look and taking the time to leave a comment so I know you were here! I like that you feel a connection. As we have discussed … the landscape is at times similar to your native Scotland.

  5. Outstanding photography, Denise. Your idea to convert them to black and white was a terrific choice. The scenes look so much better in black and white because the viewer can concentrate on the essential details. The color did not contribute to the images in a meaningful way.

  6. Interesting take on Iceland doing it in BW and nicely done, I was quite taken with the closeup of the iceberd, so much texture to enjoy 🙂

  7. Thank you for a wonderful visit to Iceland. The whole series provided such a wonderful diversity of images. Iceland has been on my bucket list and now it will remain there for a future trip.

  8. Great photos, Denise. Iceland is simply stunning and your photos have captured it perfectly. If I hadn’t seen the place for myself a couple of weeks ago, I would think that your photo of the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon was fake! It’s my new favourite place on earth and I can’t wait to return.

  9. Interesting to see a B&W A&E on Iceland. Last week I was at a conference where Hans Strand showed examples of his Icelandic images and talked about them. His book ‘Above and Below’ was the basis for the talk. Not sure whether you know of his work but his aerial shots are phenomenal. Almost abstract. There is a free video interview with him after his talk available at

  10. Thank you especially for your closeup of the iceberg. The majesty of the whole bergs is probably what keeps others focused on only the big picture—and your wider-angle views are lovely—but seeing them up close is a rarer treat.

  11. Your Iceland photos sure did bring me back… love to see ones take on a place that I have also developed an attachment to…. very well seen and experienced!!!!

  12. Such beautiful images.

    The subjects are wonderful but your composition and treatment of them really makes for some powerful and beautiful images.

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