Curve Appeal

My previous post was about the first location a friend was kind enough to share, Mystic Falls. Here is the second location … an usual grouping of curved aspen trees! Once again it was a little tight sharing a small space with seven other photographers but taking turns, it worked out all the same. We were lucky to have some puffy clouds that diffused the sunlight that was fast becoming a bit harsh. Straying and swaying from the norm I love the character of these curvy aspen trees and tried as many different compositions as I could. To protect this fragile environment from too many visitors the location is semi-secret. Not wanting to be the one to ‘ruin it’ my friend asked that we not divulge it on the internet. We get a lot of photographers here, and especially in the fall so I can certainly agree with that request. This is another place that will look different in other seasons.

'Forest Curves' © Denise Bush
‘Forest Curves’ © Denise Bush
click here to view larger or order a print
'Aspens With Curves' © Denise Bush
‘Aspens With Curves’ © Denise Bush
click here to view larger or order a print
'Curved Aspen Grove' © Denise Bush
‘Curved Aspen Grove’ © Denise Bush
'Dancing Aspens' © Denise Bush
‘Dancing Aspens’ © Denise Bush

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My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully. My approach is intuitive and I choose to impose no constraints – leaving myself open only to possibilities. As a professional designer I am drawn to images that offer a strong composition, pattern and rhythm. Creating images with a unique perspective while sometimes pushing the limits of traditional composition 'rules' excites me. Landscapes, nature subjects and things from the past are common themes in my work.

28 thoughts on “Curve Appeal”

  1. Very unique and interesting location. Your photos are great. I lean towards the colored images. You seem to have blended in well with some photographers out in your area. I knew you would.

  2. Another superb location. The Aspens do appear to be dancing. Black and white aspens look really cool but to find them curved is a bonus. I bet I know who is going back in the fall!

  3. Wow, I never knew Aspens would grow like this. What an opportunity to photograph them. They are all wonderful images and together they make a great set, but “Curved Aspen Grove” is my favorite. Those flowers sort of take it over the top.

    1. Thanks Rich … I appreciate your enthusiastic comment and encouraging folks on FB to come take a look. Those flowers are called Sneeze Weed. They look a little wilted right from the beginning.

  4. So surprising to see, Denise. How cool- have never seen curvy ones like this! The understory really makes the shots and as much as I love the color shots, the monochrome do call out to me. Beautifully done.

  5. How wonderful! I have seen trees like this, but not grouped together nicely like you have captured here. I can imagine this being a colourful spot at fall.

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