Tree Groupings In B&W

Back in January my post ‘Alone’ featured the solitary trees I am always on the lookout for. I mentioned that I also keep an eye out for groups of trees … groups that make an artistic impression. My attraction might include pattern, repetition, arrangement and/or placement. When a couple of my selections for this set looked good in black & white, I decided to convert them all. I especially like monochrome winter landscapes, so now is the time! I saw something special in each of these scenes and hope you enjoy viewing them. And, as an avid tree lover I am always adding to my ‘Tremendous Trees’ store gallery. Your favorites sometimes help me decide what to add to that larger collection.

Just over the hill, a line of spruce trees look lovely in the fresh snow.
‘Just Over The Hill’ © Denise Bush
click here to view larger or order a print
The bare branches of winter allows a beautiful group of healthy, young aspens a chance to show off their design and structure.
‘Delicate Aspens In Winter’ © Denise Bush
A mature aspen and offspring shoots sparkle with a frosty coating.
‘Aspen Family In The Snow’ © Denise Bush
A group of very tall aspen trees creates an interesting visual on a cloudy winter afternoon.
‘Slender Aspens’ © Denise Bush
notecards, unframed, framed, canvas, acrylic & metal prints available
Some young aspens collect snow on their branches to create a wintry pattern in B&W.
‘Snowy Branches’ © Denise Bush
The fresh fallen snow clings to branches and needles of a beautiful stand of spruce trees.
‘Frosted Forest’ © Denise Bush
Everyone loves the aspens for their beautiful bark among other qualities.
‘Aspen Trunks In B&W’ © Denise Bush

If you like winter images in b&w you might like to see my blog post, ‘WINTER SCENES IN B&W’, added at the beginning of the year. See more ‘TREMENDOUS TREES’ here!

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My passion for photography has rewarded me with the opportunity to examine the world carefully. My approach is intuitive and I choose to impose no constraints – leaving myself open only to possibilities. As a professional designer I am drawn to images that offer a strong composition, pattern and rhythm. Creating images with a unique perspective while sometimes pushing the limits of traditional composition 'rules' excites me. Landscapes, nature subjects and things from the past are common themes in my work.

57 thoughts on “Tree Groupings In B&W”

  1. Forgive me if I duplicate a comment. I’m not sure what is going on, but it seems that I’m having difficulty posting comments to WordPress today.

    I prefer the “Aspen Trunks…”, probably because I find Aspen trunks so appealing to look at. I also like the arrangement of the trunks in your photograph. My second favorite is “Slender Aspens”.

    1. Thanks Ken. I have an autumn shot similar to ‘Aspen Trunk’ that I like very much … everyone loves the aspen trees! I’m glad you like ‘Slender Aspens’ … it’s different but represents the kind of pattern and order I like. (Only got the one comment.)

  2. I LOVE “Just over the hill” and “Aspen family in the snow”! I especially love the staked dimension of the first one.
    They both really speak to me!

  3. Super nice, Denise! These show the best side of winter– pristine beauty. I like the soft background in ‘Just Over The Hill,’ the tender evocative feeling of ‘Aspen Family In The Snow’ and the stark contrasts of ‘Aspen Trunks In B&W’ which proves the forest is watching you with all those eyes. 😉

  4. Delicate aspens, aspen trunks and slender aspens for me. I am well into b/w at the moment. I think it makes you look more closely because it isn’t as your eyes see it. All brill though!

      1. Yes I think having been trained in sculpture I look primarily for structure. B/w photography strips out the colour which describes in a very different way. I feel much more comfortable working in monochrome. I guess looking at your work you feel comfortable with both?

  5. My favorite is “Delicate Aspens in Winter because I too love snow and trees. This image makes me want to walk in among the trees to enjoy them even more and look for other compositions. My second favorite is Aspen Family in the Snow because the trees and snow look so pure and beautiful. The fence seems to guard them against intruders although it is a strong visual element that asks the viewer to look beyond the fence to see the beauty.

  6. I have a deep love for B&W photography….when I started serious photography in college, I had access to a dark room on campus where I developed my own film (yes back in the dark ages) and used only B&W! Having said all of that…certain settings, scenes, subject matters, etc lend themself to B&W to really pull out a look and feel with texture and depth! You have done that with all of these shots. To pick a favorite I have to say Aspen Family In The Snow….the fence added the extra element of a fabulous shot. My runner up is Aspen Trunks In B&W and why…’s a shot that wouldn’t have the same impact in color with the way it’s framed….it shouts B&W!! They are all awesome and as I look at each one, I could write a glowing review for each and everyone!

  7. Another wonderful collection of Colorado images, Denise! My favorite is Aspen Family in the Snow. It’s neat that your see them as a family since they are known to be one large entity as they are all clones of one. But the two taller ones do seem parental. 🙂 I also enjoyed Aspen Trunks in B&W with all those eyes looking out at us. 😉

    1. Thanks very much Steve. I am really enjoying the B&W here. With aspen trees sometimes new colonies spring up and that is what I am thinking is happening here. But it is amazing that huge areas of aspens are one big organism. You mention clones and I often notice their family traits … color of the bark, how straight, character of the eyes, sturdy or spindly, etc. I had one picture called family resemblance … all slightly crooked, rough bark, same eyes!

      1. Thanks for the link. I just scrolled through your 2015 favorites and will have to do the other years when I have a few moments. This year I did my first favorites post but seeing yours encourages me to have something like that on my site although at the moment mine is not nearly as interactive as yours. Have you been to Pando in Utah?

        1. I think my friend and I came back that way from Bryce Canyon but would just be passing through. I see it claims to be the largest known clone? I always heard it was a group in Arizona. They also say it is sick. A lot of aspens are.

  8. Aspens Family in the Snow is my favorite. I think we talked before about the camera club judges always knocking those images with a fence. Personally I love the feeling of the fences. I know I am climbing right over and seeing what is on the other side.

    1. Yes … I guess they talk about wanting a path for the eye to enter the scene. Camera club judges’ comments need to be taken or NOT … mine included! This is the most popular image in this set. Lisa Ann said (on FB) that she would go thru the gate, but YOU would climb over and maybe get arrested for trespassing! I love it! XO

  9. What a pleasure, Denise, and I agree, black and white sure suits these. The second aspen photo has a ghostly feel to it that I like. The fourth is my favorite – just fabulous, the way it reads both as a photo of aspens and as an abstract. Beautiful graphics and great rhythm in that one! “Frosted Forest” feels very Christmasy to me, in a good way – it sparkles. The last is a classic – all those watching aspen eyes! I love it.

    1. Thanks!!! I’ve enjoyed doing some B&W this winter. I’m glad you like ‘Slender Aspens’ … for me it is tied with the first image. That was a dreary day and I wasn’t finding a lot to inspire me. I’ve shot these before (and ehh) but this time, with the crop & B&W I was pleased.

  10. A marvelous set, Denise. When I saw your title, I knew it would be a treat combining two things I love. Each image stands beautifully on its own and for me, difficult to pick a fave. “Slender Aspens” is striking and clever with the fence line, “Delicate Aspens” evokes Ansel’s Aspens with its crisp trees and deep focal range and “Aspen Trunks” as your finale truly celebrates what it’s like standing among these beautiful groves. A thoughtful, fine series. 🤗

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